
The Only Hair care Routine Formulated Just For YOU

If you look around, you’ll see all types of hair. Some people have naturally straight hair, while others have full, bouncy curls. Some people have thick hair, while others have fine.

Tai Hall, November 17, 2022

Partnership with Prose

All hair is beautiful, but not all hair is the same. In fact, no two hair types are the same, which means the same products that work for your best friend’s tight spiral curls aren’t going to work for your thick, wavy hair. That’s why it’s crucial you take a customized approach to hair care if you want it to look its healthiest. Going custom is the only way to find a hair care solution that works for YOU and YOUR specific needs.

prose haircare hair

I Took A Free Online Consultation Quiz From Prose

To say I was feeling frustrated with my hair is an understatement. I was beyond frustrated that, no matter how much I spent on my hair care products, I was still left with hair that just wasn’t right. It was mostly frizzy, and so-called curly hair products weren’t cutting it. So, I began a quest to find a product that would actually work for me, and during my research, I stumbled upon Prose and their free online consultation quiz. So, I decided to give it a try.


The quiz is pretty simple. You answer questions about your age and how long or oily your hair is. You’ll also be asked whether you’re prone to split ends (a big yes for me) and how thick your hair strands are. You’ll be asked about overall hair density, shedding, genetics, care habits, and more. It’s a really thorough quiz, but it doesn’t take too long to complete.


You also get to choose which of the ten hair types you have, based on the short descriptions and images provided. Honestly, I didn’t even know what hair type I had was before this quiz because it’s something I never really thought about. In case you’re wondering, I have 2C, which isn’t quite curly but not straight.


For reference, all ten hair types include:


  1. 1- Straight
  2. 2A- Almost straight with a slight bend or “soft waves”
  3. 2B- Wavy with a loose “S” shape
  4. 2C- Defined S-shaped pattern
  5. 3A- Curly, resembling a loose “C”
  6. 3B- Very curly, with a clearly defined “C” pattern and curls that are springy
  7. 3C- Super tight curls that kind of look like a corkscrew
  8. 4A- Coily curls that are tight and springy, like a slinky
  9. 4B- Curls that vaguely look like a “Z”
  10. 4C- Sharply defined “Z” pattern


What I liked most about the quiz was the “why we ask” section at the bottom of every question. It explained why each question was necessary, which took away the mystery and added a level of transparency I appreciate in any product.


Finally, I Found Something That Works For MY Hair, Specifically

After taking the free online consultation quiz, I ordered Prose and gave it a shot. I’m so happy I did because I finally found something that works for MY hair, specifically. Since I started using Prose regularly, I’ve noticed considerable improvements in nearly every aspect of my hair’s health.


For starters, my hair isn’t frizzy and untamable anymore, which has always been a massive problem for me. I think the frizz and knots are due to the wave in my hair, which isn’t quite curly but isn’t quite straight, either. That made finding the right product challenging since neither curly hair products nor those meant for straight hair did the trick.


Plus, my hair is growing faster now, which is fantastic. My hair’s never exactly grown super slowly, but the older I’ve gotten, the more time it seems to take to get any real length. Now, I’m already scheduling my regular hair trims earlier than I was a few months ago before using Prose.


The last big difference for me is the lack of split ends. Since my old hair care products made my hair frizzy and knotted, I always got split ends. To be honest, all the flyaway hairs and damaged ends knocked my confidence down a few pegs. I was always wearing my hair up in a bun or tucked under a bun because I couldn’t do anything with it. Now? I can wear my hair any way I want to, including just combed and down, and it looks great. My confidence is way up there again.

routine natalie hair

Prose Works Because It’s An Individually-Tailored, High-Quality Product

The reason Prose works is that it’s a quality product that uses only the highest quality ingredients, and each product is tailored to your individual needs. In addition, Prose is transparent about what ingredients they use and why they’re used. For example, my custom formula included professional silicone to help reduce frizz and jujube bark extract to control my dry scalp problems. For oil control, they added kale, spirulina, and Vitamin B6. Other ingredients used in my custom formula included hyaluronic acid, plant collagen, licorice extract, prebiotics, and bamboo charcoal, just to name a few.

I Highly Recommend Prose Custom Hair Care For Everyone… No Matter What Type of Hair You Have

If you’ve been struggling to find hair care products that work, I highly recommend using Prose. Since each product is customized to solve your unique issues and work for your specific hair type, I highly recommend these products to everyone. You really can’t go wrong.

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Consultation Quiz
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